Individual Tax Identification Number


Individual Tax Identification Number

Our Firm provides Free ITIN service for obtaining an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). This service is normally provided for our clients who have other matters with us; however, we do offer this service to the general public. ITIN has to apply along with the Federal Tax Returns.

What is the purpose of an ITIN? ITINs are used for tax purposes only, and are not intended to serve any other purpose. IRS issues ITINs to help individuals comply with the U.S. tax laws, and to provide a means to efficiently process and account for tax returns and payments for those not eligible for Social Security Numbers.

If you dependents already having ITIN’s, incase if you are not using ITIN from last 3 years, you have to renew your ITIN this year or else your ITIN would be inactive.

Any individual who is not eligible to obtain a SSN but who must furnish a taxpayer identification number to the IRS must apply for an ITIN on Form W-7/W-7(SP). Do not complete Form W-7/W-7(SP) if you have a SSN or if you are eligible to obtain a SSN (i.e., A United States citizen or person lawfully admitted for employment). Applicants must have a valid filing requirement and file an original valid U.S. Federal income tax return with their ITIN applications.

Persons who are not trained in submission of the W-7 Application for an ITIN frequently make mistakes resulting in rejection of the ITIN application. This can lead to more paperwork over a span of months, or possibly result in the loss of certain tax deductions or refunds. As a Tax Experts, we will help in filling the W-7 and can give you the most support possible to get an ITIN from the IRS.

For more information Please Call us at +1 (832) 251 -7371 or Email us to


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